How do we do that?
Slide the entire rack of balls forward, toward the centre of the table while standing at the end of the table opposite the cue ball. Place your fingers into the rear portion of the rack, forcing all of the balls forward into a tight-knit group. Pull the rack back toward the spot on the table, stopping when the head ball is centred over the spot. All of the balls should be firmly touching one another with no gaps in between them Lift the rack gently off the balls, watching closely to see if any balls move or if there are any gaps between them. If any movement or imperfections are noticeable, replace the rack over the balls and repeat the previous step.
Snooker Game

Snooker may be played by two or more players, either independently or as sides. The game can be summarized as follows:
- Each player uses the same White cue-ball and there are twenty-one object balls – fifteen Reds each valued 1, and six colours: Yellow valued 2, Green 3, Brown 4, Blue 5, Pink 6 and Black 7.
- Scoring strokes in a player’s turn are made by potting Reds and colours alternately until all the Reds are off the table and then the colours in the ascending order of their value.
- Points awarded for scoring strokes are added to the score of the striker.
- Penalty points from fouls are added to the opponent’s score.
- A tactic employed at any time during a frame is to leave the cue-ball behind a ball not on such that it is snookered for the next player. If a player or side is more points behind than are available from the balls left on the table, then the laying of snookers in the hope of gaining points from fouls becomes most important.
- The winner of a frame is the player or side (i) making the highest score,(ii) to whom the frame is conceded, or (iii) to whom it is awarded
- The winner of a game is the player or side (i) winning most, or the required number of frames (ii) winning most games or, aggregate points is relevant, with the greatest total.
8 Ball game

Eight ball is a call shot game played with a cue ball and fifteen object balls, 1 through 15. One player must pocket balls of the group numbered 1 to 7 (solid colours), while the other player has 9 through 15 (stripes) the player pocketing his group first and then legally pocketing the 8-ball wins the game.
The game is the most frequently played discipline of pool, and is often thought of as synonymous with “pool”. The game has numerous variations, mostly regional. It is the second most played professional pool game, after nine-ball, and for the last several decades ahead of straight pool.
Racking the balls on the pool table for 8 ball game.

The balls are racked in a triangle at the foot of the table with the 8-Ball in the centre of the triangle, the first ball of the rack on the foot spot, a stripe ball in one corner of the rack and a solid ball in the other corner.
Place the 1 ball (the solid yellow ball) at the head of the rack, pointing toward the centre of the table, if you’re playing 8-ball. The next ball on either side, slightly behind the 1, should both be striped balls, followed by the 8-ball directly behind the two striped balls. Except in competition games, the remaining balls can be placed into the rack in any order. For competition games, however, the balls should alternate around the perimeter in a solid-stripe-solid-stripe manner
9 Ball game
Nine Ball is played with nine object balls numbered one through nine and a cue ball. On each shot the first ball the cue ball contacts must be the lowest-numbered ball on the table, but the balls need not be pocketed in order. If a player pockets any ball on a legal shot, he remains at the table for another shot, and continues until he misses, fouls, or wins the game by pocketing the 9-ball. After a miss, the incoming player must shoot from the position left by the previous player, but after any foul the incoming player may start with the cue ball anywhere on the table. Players are not required to call a shot. A match ends when one of the players has won the required number of games.
Racking the balls on the pool table for 9 ball game

Diamond Shaped -The object balls are racked in a diamond shape, with the one ball at the top of the diamond and on the foot spot, the nine ball in the centre of the diamond, and the other balls in random order, racked as tightly as possible. The game begins with cue ball in hand behind the head string.
Place the 1 ball at the head of the rack for 9-ball; put the 9 ball be in the centre. For non-competition games, the remaining balls can be in any order, but for competition games, the balls should be in ascending numerical order counter clockwise around the perimeter of the rack